Well, we all survived week one and enjoyed every minute of it! Sadie is doing well and I feel great, a little sleepy, but great:) Sadie is sleeping about 4 hour long stretches at night, so I have been able to get multiple hours of sleep a night.
We all took Sadie for her first walk today. She was pretty excited on the way out, but shortly fell asleep. She is eating well and sleeping a lot - even at night. We had to get up a couple of times but it was pretty painless and she went right back to sleep.
I went to an appointment today and am about 2 and half centimeters dilated and my cervix is very soft.............so it should be any day now................we hope:)
Well, today is my due date but nothing is happening yet....so I'm guessing she has other plans in mind:) Kevin and I are hoping that she doesn't take too much longer though, we are very ready to meet her!
I am starting this blog mainly to document our everyday life. I love that you can always know what your year or month looked liked "way back when". I am a wife and mother and absolutely love my blessed life!