Thursday, April 23, 2009

3 and half months!

Sadie celebrated her first Easter with the whole family, including her great grandma from Philadelphia. We all went to church together, out to lunch, and then to the park to take pictures! Sadie is growing like a weed, she is soooo close to rolling from her back to her tummy! She is chewing on teethers and holding toys and putting them in her mouth. She has recently discovered that she has a voice and loves to squeal at the highest pitch you can imagine:)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

3 Months Old!

Sadie Mae is now 3 months old! I can't believe that my baby isn't really a newborn anymore, time is flying! She is a busy little bee, always wants to be on the move. Last night for the first time she actually touched the toys on her activity mat with her hands for about an hour! She has never really noticed them before, but now she loves to watch them move when she hits them:)