Friday, August 5, 2011

Isaac William

Wow, it has been a long time since my last post!  I do believe that I have a pretty good excuse for my absence though:)  We have welcomed a beautiful baby boy into our family and are completely in love, again.  He was born on May 25th at 1:30ish in the a.m., yes for some reason I only seem to give birth in the middle of night.  He weighed 8lbs. 12oz. and was 20 and 1/4 inches long.  His birth was pretty fast and easy compared to my first birthing experience, which was fast also, but not anywhere close to easy!  I had S naturally with no drugs and was only in labor about 6 hours.  My fear with this one was that I would feel that first contraction and panic because it was such a painful experience last time.  Well, that is exactly what happened!  My contractions were strong and painful from the beginning so I told K pretty much right away that there is no way I could do it again because I knew exactly what was coming this time around.  I begged them to get me an epidural as fast as possible, and from that point on it was a completely pain free experience!  I went from watching HGTV to pushing in a matter of 30 minutes, and I felt nothing.  I wouldn't trade either experience because they were both amazing in their own way.  I am just so thankful that he is here and happy and healthy as he can be!  

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