I cannot believe believe my little baby girl is almost ten months old now! She has changed so much in the lately and learning so many new things. She pretty much weened herself off baby food and eats and only table food which she loves. She loves everything so far and eats whatever I make for Kevin and I. She can give kisses and clap her hands. She has taken her first step multiple times now! She will be walking any day now, and is already climbing on everything! We are so going to have our hands full with this little girl. She weighs almost 17 pounds and and moved up from 5% to 7% on the growth charts:) She wears a size 3 diaper and size 6/9 or 6/12 clothes. We have been very busy lately....kind of nonstop right now. About a month ago all in one week I started a new job, our dog Mollie ran away, and Kevin had knee surgery. Needless to say it was a rough week! I like being busy most of the time but it is also nice to just spend time at home. We miss our dog terribly but life goes on I guess. Hopefully I won't wait so long before updating the blog again!