Sadie is almost 3 months old, we can't believe it! She is doing great, especially at night. She eats last around 8:45 and then goes to bed and sleeps till 8 in the morning! This has lasted about a month and a half, so we're hoping it sticks:) She is starting to drool all the time and always wants something in her mouth to chew on, mostly her hands! She is going in the nursery now at church and is doing really well. She also just went to her first circus today!
Thats wonderful! She is an angel! so pretty, it was good meeting you 2 weeks ago! If you ever need any suggestions on creating a pretty pink blog for Sadie, I'll be glad to help! I love helping people create a pretty layout for blog! Just email me if so: bolen_kimberly1@yahoo.com
Have a great week!
Enjoyed skyping with you. Love to see and hear Sadie Mae. You've got a winner! Love you! Grammy
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